Birthday Blessings

It’s been a long time…

But as many of you know, today is our beloved Terri Luanna’s 47th birthday🎉

Luanna’s 5th birthday (thanks cousin Jeanne for this photo!)

Doesn’t she look like Miss M’s twin in this pic??

As time goes on, I see so much of Terri in Miss M. Her graceful beauty, compassionate and open heart, creative spirit, deep passion for life and love; they’re all embodied in her greatest legacy, the magical Miss M.


This is the first year since Terri died that I wasn’t home to celebrate Terri’s birthday. Miss M’s Dad was also traveling.

But thanks to Heron’s tender hearted girlfriend, Sonia, there was not one cake for Terri, but two! Plus some surprise goodies arrived from Auntie Laurie and Uncle Markie AND empowerHER everywhere held their first in-person event series outside New England which just happened to be the day before Terri’s birthday (thanks Terri for aligning the stars❤️) and cousin Jamie offered to chauffeur.

All in all Terri Luanna, you were loved and celebrated beyond measure. 

And as you so often do, you sent me a gift all the way to FLA, reminding me you are always with me.

I had my Team Terri shirt on and a waitress stopped me as I walked by.

“I just got the chills reading the back of your shirt. Who was she?”

“My niece, Terri.”

“How old was she?”


“I’m so sorry. Please, follow me. I want you to sit at my table.”

“Thank you,” I said, as she led me outside to a beautiful table overlooking the harbor.

As soon as I sat down, I looked out at the gorgeous view.

“OH MY GOD!” I exclaimed to my husband and best friends. “Look!  It’s Terri!”

And there was our birthday girl in all her glory❤️

Happy birthday my beloved niece❤️


Auntie L


  1. Robert Pyle on October 25, 2021 at 11:47 pm

    Happy birthday Terri, in glory

  2. John Barnstead on October 26, 2021 at 5:16 am

    Holding you all in my heart, now and always. — John

    • gracefulwomanwarrior on October 26, 2021 at 7:55 am

      Always feeling your love, John, now and always.