Mindful Synchronicity

Looking for a way to “tune in” to your life? Check out my latest Herself360 article below, and consider joining us at Elevate: An Exploration of Mindfulness (where I’ll be presenting!) on November 6th.

Dial up the magic in your life with a practice of mindfulness…



Have you ever wondered about your inner voice? The one that urges you to make that call, attend that conference, or show up when you just want to roll over and stay in bed. Do you find yourself wondering how to dive in more deeply to cultivate that elusive, innermost space, that tugging feeling in the pit of your stomach that holds all the venerable wisdom you’ve amassed in your lifetime, and perhaps, summoned from ancient voices gone by?

Each of us possesses such an “inner voice.” The question is, are we listening? And if we are, how might we nurture a closer relationship with that inner guide?  And if we’re not, perhaps it’s time to say hello…

People tell me I have a “thin veil” to the “other side.” To that intangible call to action; be it getting in the car when the full moon is calling, answering an impulse to mail a copy of my book to a breast cancer warrior who sounds SO MUCH like my late niece and co-author, Terri, or having the chutzpah to attend the Sounds True Gathering, an extraordinary mindfulness conference in CA which I initially told myself was way out of my reach. Not only is my veil “thin” I also have an especially vocal and at times unyielding internal push to attend to and investigate that which is within. The good news is when I do tune in, the journey inevitably dials up the magic in the landscape of my life.


Case in point—last night, I had literally just finished putting the final touches on my upcoming NYC Graceful Woman Warrior Book Talk when my phone dinged. It wasn’t the normal email or voicemail tone, so it took me a minute to recognize what it was—a Facebook message. Opening Messenger, I discovered a note from a woman named Lisa that I met on the first night of the mindfulness conference in CA.

Fueled that first night by Tami Simon’s electrifying opening, followed by Snatam Kaur’s hauntingly beautiful sacred music, I didn’t want the evening to end. Beckoned by the iridescent flames of a fire pit, my friend and I settled into the last two comfy Adirondack chairs. As the stories unfurled across the fiery flames, a captivating verbal volley commenced between Lisa and me. The cosmic channel cracked wide open as our grief journeys coalesced. It was one of those “eye to eye” moments, and I promised to meet her in the morning with a copy of my book.

Fast forward three weeks to that serendipitous “ding…”

“Greetings from Minnesota!

Just had to reach out and say hi and share about my experience with Graceful Woman Warrior. I read the entire book on the flight back to MN after the conference. Could not put it down. It helped that the Minneapolis airport was closed for an hour due to weather, so I got some extra reading time in.

What an amazing woman this niece of yours was. What an incredible tribe she had supporting her, what a divine being her daughter is, what a gift you have all given the world by taking her blog and turning it into a gorgeous book. Terri’s writing just got more and more rich and real as the blog continued and it pulled me right into her pain, doubt, fire, fight…

Mindful Synchronicity-Laurie-ONeillSo devastating to get to the point where the entries had weeks between them and then finally to read your words because she was no longer able to write. I’m telling you, it took days to let the story settle and see the surrender as beautiful and necessary. There are no words to describe how blessed I feel to have met you and connected, had this book put into my hands, and been able to experience the story. What you ALL are doing matters and it makes a difference.

Sending love, thanks & deep gratitude,

Lisa Woog”

Talk about an “aha” moment. A moment of grace that gives you pause. Mindful synchronicity…

I am so deeply grateful I said yes to my inner voice when it insisted I attend The Sounds True Gathering. It goes without saying that bowing to that voice is not always an easy task. God knows I’ve devised innumerable reasons not to listen, not to slow down, not to pay attention, not to be present. But take it from a seasoned veteran, it’s so damn worth it!

Maybe it’s time you “checked in” with yourself.

To gain clarity. To discover a sense of empowerment and peacefulness. To dial up the magic in your life…

If you’d like to learn more about how to do just that, join me and a host of captivating and enlightened speakers in New Bedford, MA on November 6th at Elevate: An Exploration of Mindfulness. I promise you if you cultivate your ability to “hear” the synchronicity that the universe is conjuring just for you, the benefits are boundless.

As poet Mary Oliver said, “Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?”

Listen in. The time is now…