

I’m sitting next to my exceptional niece, Marisa, completing her submission to Sing Me A Story. Once again, weareempower opened up a creative path for Marisa to lean into the loss of her remarkable mother. This time, through poetry. Sing Me A Story invites kids to send in a story/poem, then they will match Marisa with a singer/songwriter who will transform her poem into a song. Incredible, right??

I cannot begin to express my deeply emotional reaction to Marisa’s writing/poems. Of course I cried…

I then invited her to share these compelling, emotive, transcendent poems with all of you. Which is not an easy thing to do. As Marisa said, “They are deeply personal.”

But you are our people. You know the importance of opening our hearts around our losses. You know the deep healing that occurs when we share our stories. Our pain. Our love. Our loss.

So here it is;

tomorrow we could have breakfast together
and I could tell you how dance is going
maybe we could share smoothies – the green ones we both like but nobody else does
and maybe after that we could go shopping at Lululemon – not because it’s expensive or trendy, but because you like it
and then maybe we could go to the beach and just sit there and listen to nature and meditate – like you always used to do with me
maybe we could go on a long drive and listen to music – we could take turns choosing the song, like when I was little
and maybe we could get ice cream at Ben & Jerry’s – you could get Cherry Garcia, your favorite
maybe then we could go back home and cook dinner together – we could cook whatever you want because you wouldn’t be on a diet anymore 
maybe we could end the day with a bedtime story – you could read me Somewhere Over the Rainbow
-maybe if things were different
Marisa da Silva


  1. Susan Garnhum on July 18, 2024 at 3:02 pm

    Such a beautiful sentiment to remember your mother, Marisa! She will be with you in spirit forever.