“For Mãmae”
Miss M performed her first dance solo tonight entitled, “For Mãmae🩷” choreographed by Jazzmine Szyndler.
In the words of her beloved Nana Canada, “Words can’t reach it…” But I’m gonna try.
She literally took my breath away, as I know she will yours. See for yourself – For Mãmae
You are your Mãmae’s daughter, and your Nana Canada’s granddaughter, Miss M❤️ How could you not be? Your stories are so intricately intertwined.

Triple Goddesses❤️
I felt you tonight Terri Luanna. And you too, Jeanne. With every cell of my being.
And as soon as I got in my car, you whispered quietly to my heart, that you were in fact present:
Our journey with your extraordinary daughter, Terri Luanna, knits those of us left behind more closely together, harnessing our heartbreak into hope.
With infinite gratitude for your place in my heart,
Auntie Laurie