Grounding in Grace

I just finished polishing up my Grace Lessons Worksop for tomorrow’s event during Reimagine: Life, Loss, & Love‘s worldwide virtual festival on embracing life, facing death, and loving fully in the face of COVID-19.

I hope you’ll consider joining me as we lean into our loss stories together. From creating a loss timeline to cultivating new and enduring connections with our departed loved ones, it is within our openhearted shared storytelling that we shine a light into the darkness of grief — a light of hope, healing, remembrance, and meaning-making. Please register here.

Given the unnerving tidal wave of grief, rage, and frustration gripping our nation after the murder of George Floyd, tapping into Terri’s transcendent grace lessons lightened the weight of my heavy heart, grounding me in the grace she personified.

But how does one show up with grace for our black and brown brothers and sisters, who’ve been reckoning with systemic racism, oppression, and injustice for hundreds of years?

How do I, in my white privilege, contribute to the profound change necessary to build a society that refuses to accept racial inequality and injustice, and the pain and suffering they cause?

I’d love to hear where you’re finding your grounding grace.

For me, most importantly, I’m listening.

I’m finding grace and grounding by bearing witness.

In showing up virtually for George’s funeral alongside my daughter and husband. By speaking up. By showing up to walk beside my black and brown brothers and sisters.

In educating myself by reading articles such as my dear friend, Lyvia Farco’s, Black Lives Matter, or Isaac Chotiner’s interview with Bryan Stevenson, a civil rights lawyer, founder of the National Memorial for Peace and Justice, and author of “Just Mercy,” or by exploring the ever-growing list of anti-racism resources for white people seeking to learn more and do more. 

Finally, I found grace by watching this three-minute video featuring an unnamed hero. His heartbreaking story captures the hatred that poisons our nation, but in the end, he illuminates the greater truth that is the ultimate solution.


Together in solidarity. Black Lives Matter…