The Majestic Miss M Rocks her First Podcast!








The title of this blog post came from none other than Miss M. Imagine my delight when I read this description of what makes her #special on her, “I believe in my #Selfie” poster:

“What’s special about me? Well, I am a horse whisperer. I love horses and ponies. They are beautiful and majestic, just like me!”

You certainly are my love… And never have you been more majestic than during your first ever podcast with Stacey Shipman, founder of Engage the Room and the Engaging Voices podcast.

Miss M literally blew Stacey (and me!) away with her transcendent grace and sage wisdom. As Stacey writes, “Turning grief into hope, healing and connection by sharing our stories of loss and love. That’s what Laurie O’Neil and Marisa da Silva (10 years old!) talk about on this episode of Engaging Voices.”

So please find a quiet spot, grab some tissues, and listen in to our majestic young Warrior’s story—Engaging Voices: Turning grief into hope & connection with Laurie O’Neil and Marisa da Silva.

LIke me, I’m sure you will “hear” how Miss M’s enlightened message embodies her mother’s spirit, breathing love and light into your heart.


Auntie L and Miss M

PS—please disregard the recent duplicate emails from us—Graceful Woman Warrior’s website was being updated and it looks fabulous thanks to the creative genius of Southcoast Internet—check us out! Be sure to subscribe at the bottom of this blog post to receive our latest and greatest news. Miss M and I hope to see you in NYC next month!