Powerful Women Revealed

Surrounded by three of my all-time favorite “sisters” at an impromptu listening party for my 95.9 WATD-FM radio interview with the fantastic Nicole Perry.

For those of you who missed it, here’s the link—Powerful Women Revealed.

The night before I woke up at 3:30 am. Despite employing every mindfulness technique in my toolbox, I watched dawns early light emerge. Thoughts churned, emotions surged, until at about 5:50 am, I finally bowed.

A smile emerged, climbing out of bed as I remembered the term my sister, Jeanne, used for what I had just experienced—monkey mind. She wasn’t nicknamed “Wired Buddha” by her Zen teacher for nothing!

Was I good enough? Did I capture the essence of Terri’s message? Would people actually listen?

It was clear it was time to call in the reinforcements! I waited for what would be considered a reasonable time on a Sunday morning to text my posse, and to my delight, the sister brigade showed up!

But it wasn’t until today when I listened in with my 92-years young mother that I knew in my heart and soul I had delivered my message.

“Laurie, I’m so proud of you. Your speaking just flowed. You’re going to help so many people by sharing your story.”

My brilliant, wise, openhearted mother, the epitome of a Powerful Woman Revealed, helped me to believe in the power of my own story…

Thanks, Mom❤️



Auntie L