“Ordinary Day”


“Take a moment, face to face, find the joy in an ordinary day…”

—Dori Rubbicco


Coming off a weekend chock full of joyful moments. My daughter’s bridal shower. A welcome dinner for my son-in-law to be’s family. All of my children under one roof. My ninety-one-year-old mother’s timeless face captured on camera by her great-granddaughter, Miss M.



Tonight, after everyone left, it would’ve been so easy to give in to my tired, sixty-one-year-old body and hunker down for the night. But the weekend’s fiery afterglow compelled me to get my ass off the couch and head to Cork Wine and Tapas where my sister, Dori, was playing. As always, my phenomenally talented baby sister did not disappoint.



Listening to her soulful voice singing her original, “Ordinary Day,” I was reminded yet again of the fragility and impermanence of time. The melody always evokes precious moments spent “face to face” with our beloved sister, Jeanne.

After Jeanne died, I had a quilt made out of her t-shirts for Terri and Miss M. Interspersed with my favorite Jeanne photos, I “christened” the quilt before I gave it to them. Compelled to put my “quilt journey” to music, Dori’s song, “Ordinary Day” was the perfect choice.

Tonight, I’d like to share it with you. May it remind us all of the fleeting opportunities each moment in time offers: remember to embrace them, cherish them, honor them, and most importantly, not to waste them.





Auntie L