Lucky Pants
A quick note just to let everyone know that I did it! I managed to keep my white blood count up high enough to do chemo again this week! Yay! Just like last week, my count was 1,900 (close enough to the ‘required’ number of 2,000 to get the go-ahead from Dr K). Tonight I’m feeling groggy (par for the course on chemo Tuesday) – but good.
Miss M is also back to her happy self (most of the time). And we had a big moment when we went to pick her up at daycare today and she was having so much fun she didn’t want to leave! No more teary tantrums. Just happy moments. Another yay!
Sometimes I think about how good I feel and how convinced I am that I am going to beat this. Not just live with this for the rest of my life. But beat this. ‘Clean scan’ – beat this. And then I read the stories of other women dealing with metastatic breast cancer like Amy Rauch Neilson in her blog And I realize I am not immune. Amy’s been in & out of the hospital all this month and just feeling crappy. Sorry girl! I pray for you and for all the other ladies whose cancer makes them feel crappy. It sucks.
I also think we need to do a lot more research on the difference between those who live with metastatic BC for years and years and years versus those who don’t. What is that about?? Is there a recipe we can use? Has anyone figured out what those long-term survivors did differently? Or is it all just luck?
Well lately, I’ve been feeling like one lucky gal.
Peace. – T
Love to hear it! Glad you were well enough for chemo and that Misd M didn’t want to leave her friends 🙂 Cheers! Sending well wishes your way xoxo
Another week completed, another chemo course done. Keep chipping away, you’ll beat it down!
And now I’ve fixed my name!
You have three magnificent powers in operation: The power of gratitude to heal, the power of faith to receive and the power of laughter and joy to dissolve disease in our bodies. ~ The Secret
You are one lucky gal….all things working for you. Sending well wishes…..
Terri first off let me say that u are an AMAZING mother I can only dream of being half the mother u are. Marisa is a very wonderful little girl and i look forward to seeing her everyday Tuesday when she comes to daycare. I’m glad she is finally starting love coming. And second let me say that u are an inspirational woman. Battling cancer and still trying to remain an optimistic person is more than most would be. My husband and i have been praying for you every night and its great to hear some of your masses are disappearing. I too believe you will beat the odds and be the cancer miracle. If you need any help with Marisa just let me know and i will help if I can!
With much love,
Mrs. Tasha
Dear Terri,
I’m so happy that you were able to have your chemo this week. Getting your white blood count up is an amazing feat. I went to church today to say prayers for you and the loved one who surround you, and the loved ones far away who keep you in their thoughts every day.
Aunt Laurie sent me copious pix of your fabulous event in Terri’s Room! I will treasure them.
Much love,
Aunt Kathy
So happy that yet another round of chemo is under your belt –and continuing to keep you and your whole family in my thoughts and prayers daily. Much love to all of you —