Embrace Change

Just finished watching Obama’s State of the Union address and I’m feeling inspired.  Damn that guy is a good speaker!

I am reminded not to give up hope.  Even though we may sometimes have to bend and flow with life and make adjustments, we do not have to give up or compromise who we are.

This cancer is definitely forcing me to make some serious adjustments.

But even though cancer has now become my new full time job, I will not let it to stop me from being me or pursuing my dreams.  I WILL …  still become a foster parent, continue my career as a social worker, travel the world, and be the best possible person I can be.

Cancer doesn’t stand a chance.  And I say all this after experiencing a day chock full of unexpected moments…

Today was supposed to be “chemo day”.  But when they tested me at the doctor’s office my white blood cells were too low to administer the chemo.  Funny how you’re never happy about doing chemo – but then, when you’re told you can’t do it, all of a sudden you’re sad.  Of course, feeling as strong and “normal” as I do, I never imagined my blood counts would ever be anything but where they needed to be each week.  Never anticipated my counts could be low enough to delay treatment.

I did manage to get my Herceptin today though.  All is not lost.

And I’m now taking ANOTHER medication (will it ever end!?!?)…  Leukine.  It’s a shot that’s supposed to increase white blood counts by going into the bone marrow and encouraging the growth of good cells.  Possible side effects??  Bone pain…  Chills…  flu symptoms…  Damn!  Not again.  And my oncologist says this may become a regular part of my “regime” as I go through treatment.  Fun!  Fun!

The new plan is to take the Leukine shots for 3 days then wait and see if my counts go up.  If they’re close to 2,000 on Monday I should be good to go for chemo again on Tuesday.

What Aunt L and I have taken from the latest change in plans is – that life is unpredictable…  And as my mom always used to say, “The only constant in life is change.”  So you better learn to adapt.

And I am.  Adapting.  Accepting.  Living.  Growing.

Tomorrow is another day.  Anything is possible.

– T


  1. Laurie O'Neil on January 24, 2012 at 11:21 pm

    You are my hero…

  2. Jen Cook (friend of Peggy V) on January 24, 2012 at 11:52 pm

    Never surrender Terri Luanna! Your courage and willingness to change course without losing hope are your most powerful weapons in this battle of a lifetime. Each coming day will bring new possibilities, and new, added prayers (from me) for renewed strength for the fight. Keep believing, because Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass. It’s about learning to dance in the rain.” With admiration and unfailing hope – Jen Cook

  3. michelle james on January 25, 2012 at 6:09 am

    Your mum will hold your hand throughout! fingers crossed that the white blood cell count goes up by monday- I know its not nice chemo but it is the way to go- as well as all the other wonderful holistic approaches – anything and everything to fight this thing- u can do it girl xxxx

  4. Lisa Aruda on January 25, 2012 at 10:36 am

    You are an extremely inspirational human being. You made me look at life today in a different light. Thank you.

  5. Roberta Wall on January 25, 2012 at 10:38 am

    Dear Teri,
    This is the first time I am visiting your blog. I have been sending my love through Eryka.
    I feel so moved and astonished and blessed by and to connect with your spirit and energy and wisdom.
    Anytime you want a rest in Woodstock for all of you, mi casa, su casa,

  6. k on January 25, 2012 at 12:18 pm

    Hi Terri
    Kerry here from Bowen island, i’m the one that adopted Tembi from Dayton back in 2009. I just heard your news and have laughed and cried my way through your blog. I just wanted you to know that we are rooting for you here on Bowen and sending out as much positive energy as we can. You are definitely one of those women with the fire in the eyes, I cant describe it, you meet all different people in life and get different impressions mine of you was one of focus and intelligence, I think you got this licked basically!!
    I wish you peace, much love and laughter and enlightenment as you journey yourself back to health.
    Take care

  7. John on January 26, 2012 at 5:51 pm

    You are in my thoughts and prayers today and every day. Hoping for a quick bounce in your white cell count — higher than flubber can bounce!

    Much love to you and your family and loved ones,
